The International Women’s Day (IWD), celebrates the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women globally.
The IWD seeks to highlight the remarkable contributions of women to global development and achieve gender equality.
This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #ChoosetoChallenge.
Below is the link to Dr. Ogechi Adeola’s speech produced by NESG Radio, dedicated to Women around the world and also, Igbo Women.
The broadcast is in Igbo. We have also provided a link to the English version (broadcast) and a text translation below.
Listen to “Kedu Ihe Mere Ikwado Umunwanyi Ji Di Mkpa” on Spreaker.
Women all over the world. Women in Igbo land. Greetings!
My name is Ogechi Adeola. I am a true Igbo daughter. My husband is Yoruba. I love Igbo land because I was born there; moreover, my parents live in Igbo land.
Today is the day we are remembering (celebrating) women. It is called the International Women’s day.
I am greeting every woman – those on the farm, those that are trading, those in white-collar jobs and those in other types of undertakings. You are all trying your very best to ensure the progress of our land.
I want to give you the following advice:
First, continue to put in your best effort in everything you do, all the time. Please don’t let the present situation in the world distract you and make you lose interest in the work you are doing. The Igbos say that “if the chicken stops pecking, what would she use to feed her children.”
Second, everybody’s destiny is different; everyone should determine what to do in order to make progress. It is not everything you can do. All things are not expedient; please find where your strength lies.
Third, we women must join hands to help one another, so we can all move forward because Igbos say there is ‘strength in number.’
Fourth, we need to be prayerful, praying to God to bless our homes and businesses. It is good to understand that the future is bigger and brighter. Everything would be ok. Because of this, please be diligent in your work and let honesty be your guide.
My prayer is the God Almighty will bless all the works of your hands. Well done! Keep up the good work!
Listen to “Why Is Women Empowerment Important?” on Spreaker.
Thanks dear Dr. Ogechi for your message of encouragement to women! Yes we must keep working and doing our best, despite distractions! Trusting in God to help us accomplish more daily! Warm regards
Oghogho Osula