How To Make Carrot Cake

Recipe and guide to baking carrot cake


Baking carrot cake


Sugar 230

Oil     250

Flour 280

Eggs   3

Baking Soda  I tsp

Cinnamon I tsp

Ginger I tsp

Salt     a pinch

Browning   1 Tsp



Mix the oil, sugar and egg, browning pitcher and whisk

Sieve the flour, so the cake is smooth.  Make sure the eggs, sugar, oil; flour is at room temperature and not in the fridge.  Break the eggs one at a time to ensure it is not rotten. Measure the oil and pour in a pan. Pour the eggs in the oil Mix the dry ingredients together:  flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, salt, brownie, sugar, flour. Then mix and pour the dry ingredients while mixing for about 25mis till cake is fluffy. Bring out the cake pan and oil very well to avoid the cake sticking to the pan and pour mixture in the pan. Preheat the oven before putting the cake inside the oven at medium temperature and bake for about 40-45 mins. Put the toothpick in the cake to ensure it is done. The cake is done when the toothpick comes out dry.

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